4mation Staff Profile: Rob Babicci, Accounts & HR Manager

Billie Fowler

Billie Fowler

Head of People & Culture

The bloggers at 4mation Technologies have started a new series of staff profiles to introduce you to the people behind your websites and development projects! This week we have Rob Babicci, who is the Accounts and HR Manager, and is another of our longest-serving employees.

Name: Robert Babicci

Role within 4mation: Accounts Manager / H.R. Manager

How does this role/field challenge you? With 4mation having a strong emphasis on a friendly, fun and social culture (as well as the best talent and skillsets!) it’s important to find the right people to join the team. Our selection process and criteria requires a little more than some other development companies around might do, so it’s a challenging role but nothing good comes easy, right?

How long have you been with 4mation/within this field? Began in August 2006, so basically 7 years!

Which clients do you often work with? Due to the nature of my dual role in accounts as well as H.R., I have the pleasure of contacting all of our clients, candidates and employees. It’s a rewarding feeling to be able to assist our team to be as comfortable, motivated and supported as possible.

What do you enjoy about working for 4mation? The office culture at 4mation is like nothing I’ve experienced (and very rarely hear of) anywhere else. The team is a great bunch of people who genuinely enjoy working alongside each other, learning from each other and hanging out together even outside of 4mation. Nothing is ever too much to ask or a hassle to request and there’s no office politics.

What are you learning at the moment as part of your role here? As the H.R. role is a relatively new one to me, I’ve found there’s a lot to take on board to grow my skills and knowledge. It’ll be a long term process to refine and improve myself but I’ve been given plenty of advice, support and room to design my methods to achieve results. It’s an exciting challenge!

Where were you born/grow up? I was born in Sydney and have always lived here. Yes, down in “the Shire”, but please don’t judge me for that!

Where would we find you on your day off, and what would you be doing? Most likely playing some guitar at home during the day and checking out some live music at night. Alternatively, playing some pool at a local pub with the Rugby League on TV!

If your life was turned into a movie, you would be played by? Colin Farrell – I’ve been told more than once I look like him (or, he looks like me!). He’d obviously have to do some hard training and exercise on his physique, but I think he could manage it.

Personal motto? “The meal is not over when I’m full. The meal is over when I hate myself.” – Louis CK

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